"My soul, insofar as you are a child of God, you must conquer all the rest of yourself that remains unblessed; you must subdue all your powers and passions, and you must never be satisfied until He who is King by purchase also becomes King by gracious coronation and reigns in you supreme."~Charles H. Spurgeon

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Sire

Shakespeare is such a good boy!
Lastnight he woke me up whining. I wanted to assume he just was cold and wanted to clime in bed with me, but after about 30 minutes I decided I had better take him out. He had to go potty so badly!! I felt sorry for the poor little thing! :/ I am so happy cuz even though he could have went potty on the floor, or even on my bed he held it!! And for such a long time!! :) I am so proud of his house-trained-ness!! :)

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