"My soul, insofar as you are a child of God, you must conquer all the rest of yourself that remains unblessed; you must subdue all your powers and passions, and you must never be satisfied until He who is King by purchase also becomes King by gracious coronation and reigns in you supreme."~Charles H. Spurgeon

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Daphne, My Toy Poodle

On December 19, 2010 dear friends of mine found a toy poodle not too far from them. LeAnne called me and told me about her. She offered to pick her up adn keep her for me til we are able to go to Missouri and pick her up!

To make a long story short, the Douglas picked her up this morning!! She is cream in color, as you can see :), 12 weeks 3 days old today and LeAnne said she is about 2 lbs. So tiny!! That is a good thing and a bad thing!... Good thing is she is so littel and cute!! Bad thing is I was hopping to breed her with Shakespeare and if she is too small I can not risk c-sections and birth difficulties. Mama said it will all be ok, and I know it will! Time will tell and what ever happens I am so happy!! :)
LeAnne texted me this picture this morning right after they picked her up...
She said Daphne came with the bow!! :) Isn't she cute? She needs a brushing, and maybe even a bath, but she is so cute!! :)
Thank you, Douglas Family, for picking her up and taking care of her for me!! :)


Hannah Marie said...

I am so excited for you! Congratulations! I guess you can hardly wait to pick her up, huh?!

I look forward to seeing hers and Shakespeare's puppies :)

Chaunalee said...

I am so excitd!! :)

Me too! I bet they will be so cute!! :)... what puppy isnt? :p

Tom said...

Oh My Word!!! Half way across the country for this??? Come on a bit further to Tennessee and get a real dog!!! You are a terrible influence on my young daughters who think these imitation dogs are "cute", "adorable", "lovely", etc. Sam says that he will give you a lab ... a real dog!

Rachel said...

Only 2 pounds! My goodness...

Chaunalee said...

I know!! :) Shakespeare was when I got him, but he was only 9 weeks.

Chaunalee said...

That is very sweet of Sam, and tho I greatly enjoyed seeing and playing with your labs, I think I prefer my "imitation" dogs! :)
Since you liked Shakespeare, Mr. W, I am sure you'd like my other rats! :)