"My soul, insofar as you are a child of God, you must conquer all the rest of yourself that remains unblessed; you must subdue all your powers and passions, and you must never be satisfied until He who is King by purchase also becomes King by gracious coronation and reigns in you supreme."~Charles H. Spurgeon

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Caine Training Journey

I have read how many people assume since Chihuahuas, and other small breeds, are so little they don't need to be trained much more then to eliminate outside. I see how one may think that, but do not agree. Little dogs have this complex; they think they are as big as any large breed. When we first brought our standard Poodle, Jackson, home our Chis weren't so sure about him. Here was this new huge dog, he is large even for his breed!! Shakespeare used to try to attack him!! Thinking himself was as big as Jackson. Jackson, trying to either play, or wanting this bouncing barking rat to leave him alone, would lightly growl and head butt him. I never allowed it to go further then that, but I doubt Shakespeare would have backed down till it was too late!

I own 2 Chihuahuas and take care of my Mama's Chi, Lilly, so there are 3 Chis total under my care. I need to be the dominate pack leader or my room is in an uproar! However don't ever forget your relationship with that dog!! He/ she will be more apt to listen to you if you are loving. He will want to obay if your relationship is sound rather then being forced to obey.

I have had trouble keeping Lilly, in particular, under control. She is not my dog, so I have not put a strong effort into our relationship. Her main habit, about a moth or so ago, was to eliminate in my brother's room before bed. She refused to sleep unless she did. I put her in a kennel so she wouldn't go in my room while I was sleeping. She kept me up night after night whining and whining. I would put her outside and close the door, but she would not leave the porch. She would not go potty outside!! :( I think it was about a week of this activity before I figured out what was wrong. She did not want to go out by herself! it was dark, we live on the edge of the BLM Land where there are coyotes right over the fence, and sometimes come closer then that. To shorten a long human/canine struggle, I focused on her and my relationship, or rather her personality. Yes! Dogs have personalities! :) Her temperament. I figured out she prefers to poop right at dusk... so, for the next 3 weeks I put her on a leash and walked around outside with her until she went, praising during and after. At first she was so proud of herself! She would jump on me, wagging her tail swiftly! :) Now, she tells me when she needs to go and will actually go on her own!! There has not been another 'Lilly axident' in our home in over a month!! I am thrilled! :)

Shakespeare and Lilly sleep in a kennel, which helps with submission. Shakespeare sleeps better, and prefers his kennel, then sleeping with me, but Lilly always wakes me up in the middle of the night to be placed under my covers where she sleeps the remainder of the night. Julia knows and accepts me as the pack leader and therefore I allow her to sleep with me all night. However it was not always like that... In April of last year Mama and I found out that Julia used went potty in the house. There had been lots of piles and puddles but I never thought it was my Julia... we had other dogs in the house and after all, I had Julia from 6 weeks old on! Having a puppy from a puppy to adulthood, does not mean that dog is going t be a good obedient dog!! You have to train them! And train hard! I have learned that the hard way! Anyway! I read about house training adult dogs and decided I would try it for Julia. It is called "Reverse Housebreaking"
What you are supposed to do is keep your dog in a kennel with food until they learnt to go outside. I started on April 20 around noon; placing her in the kennel with food and water. I took her out every quite a bit and she didn't pee until 3:45pm. It was rainy and wet and icky but I kept up with it. Talk about stubborn!! Maybe she get that from her mama ((ssshhhh)) LOL!! She refused to poop for 3 days!! She only peed once a day! I took her out all the time, allowing her to run on a leash so I was with her at all times. When we came in she went right back in the kennel with food and water which she did eat. But since then!! She has not pooped in the house!! I caught her trying to a few times after the Reverse Housebreaking adventure, but she seemed to know that was not the thing to do. I do know she peed once recently, but I take full responsibility for that cuz she told me she wanted out and I ignored her.

Shakespeare has been the easiest one, but that is because of the mindset I had before we even brought him home. I read up on how to properly house train a puppy and took him out often, saying "good potty potty" every time he went. He now, 8 months later, goes potty on command and will not go in my room, where he lives.

I believe basic training is important even for our adorable tiny Chihuahua dears! :) Basic training, i think, consists of "come", "outside", "potty on command", "stay", "hush", and, "go to bed".

Some of my favorite canine training books are:

  Shelby Marlo's New Book of Dog Training  I love how human and dog relationship is stressed by this author.

Puppy Preschool By John Ross and Barbra Mc Kinney

Civilizing Your Puppy By Barbara J. Wrede This is an easy-read handbook, containing lots of information about owning a puppy.

Enjoy your puppies the most by training them!

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