"My soul, insofar as you are a child of God, you must conquer all the rest of yourself that remains unblessed; you must subdue all your powers and passions, and you must never be satisfied until He who is King by purchase also becomes King by gracious coronation and reigns in you supreme."~Charles H. Spurgeon

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wildflower Acres

My Dear friend, LeAnne, is preparing to breed purebred French Angora Rabbits.
She sent me a sample of her male, Snowball's wool and I have never felt something so soft before!! I am hopping she will be able to make purses in the future! If anyone would commit to one, comment and maybe we can encourage her to make them for sure!! :)

Here is her web site... http://sites.google.com/site/wildfloweracres/home
Keep checking back for up coming litters and available bunnies!!

Here is her blog: http://wildfloweracres.blogspot.com/
Make sure you follow the blog to know when she has available fuzzy bunnies!!

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