"My soul, insofar as you are a child of God, you must conquer all the rest of yourself that remains unblessed; you must subdue all your powers and passions, and you must never be satisfied until He who is King by purchase also becomes King by gracious coronation and reigns in you supreme."~Charles H. Spurgeon

Monday, November 29, 2010

November 2010

My how time passes swiftly past us! Before we know it it will be 2011!

"Contentment holds eternal keys to days of peace that never pass." Bryan Davis

Julia did not go into heat this month. It required all my desire of remaining content and patient to do so! I am very thankful for my Dear Best Friend (Mommy) and friends; they put up with alot from me! :p Above all, I am thankful to know there is a Creator who holds my whole world in His hands! Julia will go into heat in His timing! I want that above all, in this breeding experience. The only way it will all go smoothly is if it is in His timing! And even then things will go wrong. Will He still be there if that happened? Will I still be in His hands if something bad happened? I think the proper question is, 'Will I still trust Him?'

Of course He will remain with me all the days of my life. I simply (or not so simply sometimes, at least it feels thus) need to trust in Him!

Yahweh loves all of His Creation!! What a Blessed creation we are indeed!

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